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We will demonstrate how to do the former first.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=30:00 #PBS -t 1-3 #PBS -M #PBS -m abe #PBS -N matlabTest #PBS -o matlabTest.out #PBS -e matlabTest.err cd /N/u/heiland/Quarry/matlab matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash -r "myfunc($PBS_ARRAYID)"And here's the relevant MATLAB script, myfunc.m, that gets invoked. The 'arrayID' input parameter comes from the index range specified by "#PBS -t [range]". For demonstration purposes, this is used as a parameter representing the sin function's period.
Notice that I create an output data file on a shared disk space, in this case, the Data Capacitor: /N/dc2/scratch/heiland
function myfunc(arrayID) %display(arrayID); %a = str2num(a); %display(a) x=0:pi/100:2*pi; y2=sin(double(arrayID)*x); %plot(x,y2) mydata = [x;y2]; % Create a unique filename using the 'arrayID' fname = strcat('/N/dc2/scratch/heiland/data',num2str(int32(arrayID))); fname = strcat(fname,'.dat');; fileID = fopen(fname,'w'); % If you want a header line, e.g.: %fprintf(fileID,'%6s %12s\n','x','y'); % Create a CSV (comma separated values) ascii file: fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f, %6.2f\n', mydata); fclose(fileID); quit;Once you have these, you would submit your job via 'qsub':
[heiland@q0143 ~]$ qsub matlab_mult.pbsYou can check on the status of your job via 'qstat' (qstat -u [username]):
[heiland@q0143 ~]$ qstat -u heilandAssuming the scripts run successfully, you should have output data created on the Data Capacitor scratch space. Be warned, that is exactly what it sounds like, "scratch" space, meaning temporary. You should copy it elsewhere as soon as you can.
After copying the data files from the cluster to my Mac:
scp* .I can then use MATLAB/Octave (or Python, etc) to plot results, e.g.:
m=csvread('data1.dat'); plot(m(:,1),m(:,2))