on Quarry: provide a MATLAB function that dumps VTK Image formatted file (.vti):
Need to open Preferences and toggle on "Auto Accept" for real-time actions.
File -> Open (the m150.vti file) display window: left (or middle) mouse button drags object; right mouse button scales Object Inspector/Display panel > Edit Color Map > (top) Color Scale > Choose Preset (select whatever colormap) > "Rescale Range" or "Rescale to Data Range" (top) Color Legend > toggle "Show Color Legend" (mousing over colorbar allows drag/scale)
Filters -> Common -> Extract Subset - lets you select subset of entire data Filters -> Data Analysis -> Plot Over Line - lets you create and (hold down Shift) drag up/down a "line source", generating a 2D plot You can then File->Save State then later File->Load State (~/dev/paraview-play/neurons_m150.pvsm)
I manually entered the Point1 & Point2 coords. Ideally, I'd like to be able to translate in Y by a integral (+/- 1) unit, not a continuous (float) amount. Shift-select the line will at least constrain it in X and Z.
Here's the underlying image data - showing the single scalar array (TE):
% more m150.vti 〈?xml version="1.0"?> 〈VTKFile type="ImageData" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian"> 〈ImageData WholeExtent="0 149 0 149 0 0" Origin="0 0 0" Spacing="1 1 1"> 〈Piece Extent="0 149 0 149 0 0"> 〈PointData Scalars="TE"> 〈DataArray type="Float64" Name="TE" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii"> 0.000000000000 0.000000504614 0.000000001189 0.000000233241 0.000000339648 ...
Another difference in 3.8 vs. 3.10 is the "Information" on the PlotOverLine1 object - in 3.8, the range of the vtkValidPointMask is [0,1]; in 3.10, it's [1,1].
Also, fwiw, I get an error msg:
The fix seems to be: select the plot window, select the Display tab on the Obj Inspector, check another var and then un-check it. This will display only the TE, as desired. (Note that on this last screen capture, we also made the line resolution=150 instead of 100).