VTK 4.0

Linux clusters

These days I'm trying to stay focused on using VTK (and Python, of course) on Linux clusters. This is motivated by the NSF TeraGrid project (and NCSA's involvement in that). Well, actually, that's only partly true. I'm also doing it because it's a fun little challenge.

One of my first goals with VTK 4.0 is to develop a parallel Python-VTK solution. (A parallel Tcl-VTK solution already exists with 4.0 as discussed below). This will be to support the VisBench project.

Although the information on this page pertains to Linux, it should carry over to most other platforms as well.

Getting Started

  • download VTK 4.0 source from CVS
  • download CMake from Kitware (necessary to build 4.0)

    Since I intended to build VTK with MPI parallelism, I also had to:

  • download/build MPI (mpich).

    For the parallel Python-VTK solution:

  • download/build pyMPI.


    The "cmake" process is new for 4.0 and quite nice in my opinion. There's good documentation available on the CMake URL, but I'll also offer my experiences here. After downloading the CMake source, I simply did a configure and make to create the cmake executable (in pathto/CMake/Source).

    Switching to the VTK 4.0 directory (pathto/VTK) the process to build Makefiles using cmake was then an iterative one. I began by running cmake which generated the CMakeCache.txt file (from CMakeLists.txt). The CMakeCache.txt file contains "keys" with associated values. These keys replace the pre-4.0 configure command line options.) I then edited CMakeCache.txt and, for example, turned on the following flags (keys):
    (I don't normally do Tcl wrapping, but since one of my goals was to find a parallel Python-VTK solution, I figured I might learn something from the existing parallel Tcl-VTK solution in 4.0)

    I then reran cmake. This inserts new keys into CMakeCache.txt, e.g.:

    I then edited these new entries -- turning on VTK_USE_MPI and setting the PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH and PYTHON_LIBRARY appropriately.

    I then ran cmake one more time. This time the following keys were inserted into CMakeCache.txt:

    After setting appropriate values for these keys and running cmake again, acceptable Makefiles were generated.

    I then simply run make to build the (shared) libs, the examples, the vtk executable (the VTK-enabled Tcl/Tk interpreter), and the pvtk executable (the VTK-MPI-enabled Tcl/Tk interpreter). These show up in pathto/VTK/bin.

    Parallel Tcl

    After successfully building VTK as described above, one can then:
    in pathto/VTK/Examples/ParallelProcessing/MPI/Tcl, execute the following:
    % mpirun -machinefile mach -np 2 fullpathto/VTK/bin/pvtk PVTKDemo.tcl
    (where the file "mach" simply lists the names of the MPI machines to use)

    (Note that all processes will create render windows but only the render window of the root process will contain the composited image)

    Parallel Python

    To provide analogous functionality to pvtk, the parallel(MPI)-enabled Tcl-interpreter that gets built in VTK 4.0, I wanted a parallel Python interpreter for VTK. To accomplish this, I decided to see what, if anything, already existed in terms of parallel Python. I was aware of earlier work by Dave Beazley and doing a search at python.org turned up a few related sites. However, after making an inquiry on the Python newsgroup, I was told to have a look at pyMPI, written by Pat Miller, Martin Casado, et al. at LLNL.

    After downloading/building this package, an MPI-enabled Python executable, pyMPI, gets created. One then discovers an 'mpi' module is available:

    % pyMPI
    >>> import mpi
    >>> dir(mpi)
    'LAND', 'LOR', 'LXOR', 'MAX', 'MAXLOC', 'MIN', 'MINLOC', 'PROD', 'SUM', 
    'WORLD', '__doc__', '__name__', 'allgather', 'allreduce', 'alltoall', 'barrier',
     'bcast', 'cancel', 'cart_create', 'comm_create', 'comm_dup', 'comm_rank', 
    'comm_size', 'communicator', 'deltaT', 'errputQueueFile', 'finalize', 
    'finalized', 'free', 'gather', 'initialized', 'irecv', 'isend', 'map', 
    'mapserver', 'mapstats', 'name', 'nativeallreduce', 'nativebcast', 
    'nativeirecv', 'nativeisend', 'nativerecv', 'nativereduce', 'nativesend', 
    'nativesendrecv', 'outputQueueFile', 'procs', 'rank', 'recv', 'reduce', 
    'scatter', 'send', 'sendrecv', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'synchReadLine', 
    'synchronizeQueuedOutput', 'synchronizedWrite', 'test', 'test_cancelled', 
    'tick', 'treeallgather', 'treeallreduce', 'treegather', 'treereduce', 
    'treescatter', 'version', 'wait', 'waitall', 'waitany', 'wtick', 'wtime']

    Given a Python script, e.g., calcPi.py, we can then execute it in parallel:

    % mpirun -np 4 pyMPI calcPi.py
    My answer is 3.14159267442 Error is 2.08333341689e-08
    ------ Error is acceptable
    This will then offer more general functionality than the existing pvtk Tcl interpreter.

    Extending for VTK

    By having pyMPI call a function that does the same VTK-MPI setup as done for pvtk (pathto/VTK/Parallel/paraTkAppInit.cxx), we can extend it for parallel VTK. This function is simply vtkSetup.cxx. This function would be called from pyMPI's initmpi.c routine. I modified it as follows:
    extern int vtkSetup(int *argc, char ***argv);
            /* call MPI_Init or alternate Startup function here! */
            /* [rwh] Have VTK do MPI_Init and init global controller ... */
            if ( !vtkSetup(argc, argv) )
              if(initializeMPI(argc,argv) != MPI_SUCCESS)
                fprintf(stderr,"MPI Failure, MPI_Init()\n");

    Here's a preferred way of doing this (from Pat Miller):
    The "easiest" way to provide this startup without hacking initmpi.c 
    is to do this...
    1) Write a library override source, say pyvtkstartup.c
    which looks like:
    extern int vtkSetup(int,char**);
    void PyAlternateMPIStartup(int (**start)(int *, char ***),
                               int (**finish)()) { 
        /* Call vtk initializer INSTEAD of MPI_Init */
        start = vtkSetup;
    2) Link with that .o
    % cc -o pyMPIVTK driver.o pyvtkstartup.o ... -lpympi.a ...

    Given PVTKDemo.py, the Python equivalent of the PVTKDemo.tcl script in 4.0, one could then run:
    % mpirun -v -machinefile mach -np 5 fullpathto/pyMPI PVTKDemo.py
    resulting in:

    windows showing individual processors results

    composited window (right one after rotating to show the fifth processor's results, colored red).

    after a "cvs update -d" on 1/24/02

    Parallel Tcl

      insert into my .cshrc:
    % setenv DISPLAY
    % setenv TCLLIBPATH " /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtk /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkbase /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkcommon /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkfiltering /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkgraphics /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkimaging /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkio /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkinteraction"
    mason 266% ty mach
    mason 268% xhost
    access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
      from /VTK/Examples/ParallelProcessing/MPI/Tcl:
    % mpirun -machinefile mach -np 2 /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/bin2/pvtk /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Examples/ParallelProcessing/MPI/Tcl/PVTKDemo.tcl
    mpirun -machinefile mach -np 3 /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/bin2/pvtk /home/heiland/vtk_Nov26.01/VTK/Examples/ParallelProcessing/MPI/Tcl/PVTKDemo.tcl
    rwh:[paraTkAppInit] ----- doing main...
    rwh:[paraTkAppInit] ----- doing main...
    Segmentation fault
    Connection failed for reason: : Connection refused
    --- I then 'ssh brick50', verify that I can show an 'xclock' and then the
    mpirun works:

    Here's an example of output from a parallel Python-VTK script that displays the Mandelbrot set.

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