1. Introduction
2. Spatiotemporal Data
3. Dynamical Systems Concepts
4. Karhunen-Loève Decomposition
5. Overview of kltool
6. Examples
7. Future Directions
8. Summary
Appendix: Galërkin Projection for Kuramoto-Sivashinsky PDE
The quantitative analysis of low-dimensional chaotic dynamical systems has been an active area of research for many years. Up until now, most work has concentrated on the analysis of time series data from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. Examples include Rayleigh-Bénard convection, Couette-Taylor fluid flow, and the Belousov-Zhabotinskii chemical reaction [Libchaber, Fauve & Laroche '83], [Roux '83] and [Swinney '84].
The key idea is to reconstruct a representation of the underlying attractor from the time series. (The time-delay embedding method [Takens '81] is one popular approach). Given the reconstructed attractor, it is possible to estimate various properties of the dynamics - Lyapunov exponents and an attractor's dimension, for example. Local approximations of the dynamics make it possible to reduce noise in the original time series and to make short-term predictions of the system's behavior. [Kostelich & Yorke '90] and [Sugihara & May '90].
In contrast, methods for the analysis of spatiotemporal data are not as well developed. This thesis describes a computer-aided tool, called kltool, which operates on spatiotemporal data from nonlinear systems. Its primary function is to analyze the data and extract a set of basic building blocks - the eigenfunctions of the dataset. These eigenfunctions are optimal, in a certain least-squares sense, and they can reveal coherent spatial structures within the data. It is then possible to reconstruct an approximation to the data using these eigenfunctions. In addition to providing these analytic and synthetic modes of operation, kltool has other capabilities which offer insight into dynamical models for the data.
Although the underlying mathematical analysis is well known, there has not been an interactive software package to apply it to a given dataset. Kltool is intended to be an easy-to-use, general-purpose software package for nonspecialists. In addition to describing this software, we present some new and interesting results obtained during the tool's development.
In the next Chapter, we discuss further the spatiotemporal data to be analyzed. In Chapter 3, dynamical systems and related concepts are introduced. Chapter 4 describes the mathematical details of the Karhunen-Loève (K-L) decomposition - the analytic tool to be applied to a given dataset. Kltool, which incorporates the K-L algorithm with accompanying software, will be explained in Chapter 5. We present some results of kltool's analysis of different datasets in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 offers a few thoughts on future directions and we summarize in Chapter 8.
The type of data we wish to analyze are generated by some nonlinear system
which evolves in time and which is spatially inhomogeneous.
We assume a spatial vector, ,
is obtained
at discrete time values, ti, providing a set of spatiotemporal data:
The components of
correspond to scalar measurements taken
at fixed points in space.
We allow for the visualization of one- or two-dimensional spatial vectors:
Two common methods of obtaining such spatiotemporal data are from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of a mathematical model - typically a partial differential equation (PDE).
The problem we address is: can this complex set of data be understood and explained in some relatively simple manner? It would seem to be possible if the complexity is generated by the temporal evolution of only a few spatial structures.
A standard approach in analyzing such data is to perform a Fourier decomposition. One would hope that only a few dominant peaks appear in a power spectrum of the spatial modes, suggesting relatively simple spatial structures. However, it may be that a coherent spatial structure is composed of many Fourier modes and a Fourier analysis would not be the best approach.
The decomposition used in this thesis, and discussed further in Chapter 4, can compute coherent spatial structures directly. Furthermore, the structures will be optimal (in a least-squares sense) for a given dataset. Once the primary spatial structures are known, we will try to explain their temporal evolution within the framework of dynamical systems theory. The key concepts of this theory will be presented in the next chapter. However, as a prelude, we offer the following thought.
A primary objective in applying dynamical systems theory to a nonlinear system is to understand the long-term (asymptotic) behavior of the system in a qualitative way. If the system is sufficiently complex, it is unlikely that one can make any quantitative predictions about the system. However, if it is possible to reduce the number of degrees of freedom inherent in the system then certain qualitative descriptions may be possible.
Consider a PDE as a nonlinear system. One could think of such a system as having ultimate complexity - by virtue of having infinitely many degrees of freedom. It is known that the solution of many PDEs can be expanded in an infinite set of Fourier modes [Strang '86]. However, for certain dissipative PDEs, the theory of attracting sets and inertial manifolds guarantee that these systems are actually finite dimensional. See [Ruelle '89] and [Jolly, Kevrekidis & Titi '90] for examples. In fact, numerical simulations of certain PDEs suggest that they have relatively low-dimensional attractors. It is data coming from such low-dimensional systems, either PDEs or laboratory experiments, with which this thesis is primarily concerned.
In this chapter we present a few key concepts from dynamical systems theory. Within this mathematical theory, we hope to gain some understanding of nonlinear systems by examining their spatiotemporal data. An underlying assumption throughout this chapter is that the temporal dynamics of the systems being studied has relatively few degrees of freedom - on the order of ten or less.
A dynamical system is a way of describing the state of some system as it evolves in time. We illustrate via examples and simultaneously introduce related concepts and terminology.
Dynamical systems are commonly described by ordinary differential
equations (ODEs) of the form:
![]() |
(3.1) |
The extensive theory of differential equations has an important role in the study of dynamical systems. For questions concerning the existence and uniqueness of solutions to (3.1), as well as other theoretical issues, see [Waltman '86]. When one tries to understand the asymptotic dynamics of differential equations, it is assumed that enough time has elapsed so that all transient behavior has died out.
We now describe how the study of dynamical systems makes use of geometric concepts. Since geometric descriptions are usually more intuitive than algebraic ones, the ideas are more easily grasped.
Every system of the form (3.1) implies a related vector field.
The idea is simple. To each point in the phase space, we assign an
instantaneous velocity vector obtained from the right-hand side of the system.
A solution (also, orbit or trajectory) of (3.1)
is a curve,
whose tangent vector at any given t is the vector
the point
). Hence, we can compute a solution by integrating the
right-hand side of the system.
A solution,
will depend on an
initial condition,
and on the free
We illustrate with a simple example. Consider the 2D autonomous1, linear system:
![]() ![]() |
(3.2) |
The vector field and a solution of (3.2) are shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1 Vector field and a solution of (3.2).
For system (3.2), we see that all solutions are periodic. For any
rotates forever about the origin.
The origin is a fixed point (also critical point or equilibrium).
Any solution starting at a fixed point will remain there.
The particular type of fixed point in this example is called a center.
To find all fixed points of a system, one solves for the zeros of the
The study of dynamical systems has a primary goal - to understand the asymptotic (long-term) behavior of its solutions in a qualitative way. For example, solutions might: (1) approach some fixed point, (2) ``blow up'' after some finite time, (3) approach some periodic solution, or (4) follow some other complicated motion.
Typically, solutions of a system will undergo qualitative changes as
one of the system's free parameters, ,
is varied.
Such a parameter is called a bifurcation parameter. Understanding
these qualitative changes in the geometry of solutions in phase space
is the subject of bifurcation theory [Wiggins '90].
Minor algebraic modifications to (3.2) lead to qualitatively different
solution structures in phase space. For a slightly more complicated
example, consider the coupled linear 2D system:
Figure 3.2 Vector field with a sink at (0,0).
The origin, still a fixed point, is repelling in the system:
Figure 3.3 Vector field with a source at (0,0).
An example of a fixed point being both attracting (stable) and repelling
(unstable) - in
different directions, is given by the system:
Figure 3.4 Vector field with a saddle at (0,0).
From the theory of ODEs, we know that the stability of fixed points of linear systems can be determined from the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix of the right-hand side. In the above systems, the sink is asymptotically stable, the center is stable (but not asymptotically), and the source and saddle are unstable.
Nonlinear systems are more likely to be used as models for real-life systems.
They are more complex than linear systems and give rise to more interesting
phase space structures than fixed points.
For example, in 2D (and higher) nonlinear systems, one can find
limit cycles.
A limit cycle is a closed, periodic orbit which can be either attracting
or repelling. As an example, the following nonlinear system
contains an attracting limit cycle. The system
is a model for electrical circuits whose resistive properties change
according to the supplied current.
It is known as the van der Pol system:
Figure 3.5 An attracting limit cycle.
The Poincaré-Bendixson theorem is useful for guaranteeing the existence of a limit cycle in 2D autonomous systems of ODEs [Hirsch & Smale '74]. The stability of fixed points becomes a local property for nonlinear systems. One must linearize the system about a fixed point to determine that fixed point's stability. See [Waltman '86] for this important theory.
There are other closed, but nonperiodic, orbits which occur in phase space. A homoclinic orbit is one which leaves the neighborhood of a fixed point along an unstable direction and loops back on itself along a stable direction. A heteroclinic orbit connects two (or more) different fixed points together via their stable and unstable manifolds as illustrated in Figure 3.7.
So that one does not conclude
is the only possible phase space,
we describe
a classic example of a dynamical system - the pendulum.
This physical system is illustrated in Figure 3.8. It consists of a bob
attached to a rigid rod which rotates around an axis. The state of the
system is most naturally described by it phase and angular velocity:
The dynamics are given by the system:
The phase space is therefore an infinite cylinder:
For plotting convenience, however, this cylinder can be mapped into
-periodic along the horizontal
axis. Solutions in this phase space for the undamped system (k=0)
are shown
in Figure 3.9 and for the damped system (k>0) in Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.9 Solutions of the undamped pendulum.
Figure 3.10 Solutions of the damped pendulum.
The base of each vector in the vector field serves as an initial value
for a solution.
In the undamped system, the position
is locally a center.
This means that for small enough angular velocity,
the pendulum
will swing back and forth about
without ever making
a full revolution.
However, for too large angular velocity, the pendulum will forever revolve
about its axis in only one direction.
In the damped system,
becomes a sink (locally) and any nearby
orbits get attracted to this fixed point.
The point
is a saddle. A homoclinic orbit would leave from and
return to this point.
Going to three-dimensional systems, even more interesting dynamics and
geometric structures occur in phase space. We illustrate with a well known
system given by [Lorenz '63]:
Figure 3.11 Lorenz attractor projected onto the xy plane (top) and yz plane (bottom).
It was stated earlier that a primary goal of studying dynamical systems is to understand the long-term dynamics in a qualitative way. The Lorenz attractor offers a good example. We know that for certain parameter values of the system, solutions will asymptotically remain confined to the subspace in which the attractor lies. This raises another key concept in dynamical systems theory - the dimension of attractors. It is for this topic that dynamical systems requires the notion of fractals and fractional dimensions [Barnsley '88] and [Farmer, Ott & Yorke '83].
Being able to compute the dimension of an attractor and to construct the attractor, using empirical data from a dynamical system, has been an active area of research [Broomhead & King '85], [Sauer, Yorke & Casdagli '91], [Kostelich '92], and [Gibson, Farmer, Casdagli & Eubank '92]. These methods typically operate on a time series of some scalar measurement of the system as mentioned in Chapter 1. This is inherently different from the analysis treated in this thesis which deals with spatiotemporal data, as discussed in Chapter 2.
In conclusion, we want to bridge the gap between the low-dimensional
dynamical systems as presented in this chapter and the
infinite-dimensional PDEs as discussed in Chapter 2.
This is done via a Galërkin projection.
Assuming the solution to a PDE can be approximated by the
We then need to make analogous classifications of a PDE's asymptotic dynamics with those of a system of ODEs as presented in this chapter. A fixed point corresponds to a stable spatial structure of a PDE. A limit cycle corresponds to some oscillating spatial structure, for example, either a standing wave or a travelling wave. And chaotic (``strange'') attractors which are low-dimensional should correspond to spatiotemporal complexity generated by the temporal evolution of only a few coherent spatial structures.
This chapter has presented some basic definitions and concepts of dynamical systems. For a visual and intuitive introduction, see [Abraham & Shaw '84]. A graphical environment for experimenting with dynamical systems on a personal computer can be found in [Koçak '86]. Other computer packages which offer a more sophisticated analysis of dynamical systems are [Guckenheimer & Kim '90] and [Yorke '90]. For a thorough and mathematically rigorous treatment of this subject, see [Guckenheimer & Holmes '83] and [Wiggins '90].
The method of analysis at the core of this thesis appears in various guises and is known by different names - depending on the area of application. In image processing, it is known as the Hotelling transform [Gonzalez & Wintz '87]. In pattern recognition, the name principal component analysis is commonplace. Both application areas typically analyze an ensemble of static data. For example, consider an image from a satellite's camera. The same image will be transmitted repeatedly, but each version will be slightly noise-contaminated due to Earth's atmosphere. A subsequent analysis is performed to remove, or at least reduce, the noise.
The method is also known as the Karhunen-Loève (K-L) decomposition. However, in the context of this thesis, the data to be analyzed will be temporally evolving rather than being an ensemble.
Another name for this method is proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). [Lumley '67] proposed that the method be used in fluid flow analysis. He suggested that it could provide an unbiased identification of coherent structures in turbulent flow. See [Aubry, Holmes, Lumley & Stone '88] for an application.
Regardless of the name and the application, the method is essentially the same. It is based on second-order statistical properties [Loève '55] which result in a set of optimal eigenfunctions. We now present the theory behind the decomposition.
First, we assume data to be a set of (real) random vectors:
These theoretical calculations are approximated in actual computations
from the given set of vectors. The mean is computed as:
For convenience, we then compute an additional sequence of vectors which
have zero mean:
The covariance matrix is then approximated by:
We point out that the covariance matrix is an
matrix, where N is the spatial resolution of a vector.
For large N, this matrix can become too large for practical computation.
However, by using the method of snapshots, as described by [Sirovich '87a],
the computation becomes more tractable.
Using this method, the covariance matrix becomes:
Since the covariance matrix is symmetric, we know that its
eigenvalues, ,
are nonnegative and its
form a complete orthogonal set [Strang '76].
The orthogonal eigenfunctions of the data are defined as:
A characterization of the eigenfunctions is that they form an
optimal basis for the expansion of a spatiotemporal dataset:
The ``energy'' of the data is defined as being the sum of the
eigenvalues of the covariance matrix:
Finally, we can reconstruct any sample vector using the eigenfunctions:
As a final note, we mention that the results of the above K-L decomposition can
also be obtained via singular value decomposition (SVD).
See [Strang '76] for an introduction to SVD.
Using this method, one would not compute the
covariance matrix.
Instead, an
rectangular matrix is generated:
We now describe the computer implementation of the Karhunen-Loève (K-L) decomposition as explained in the previous chapter. First, we discuss some implementation issues and present an overview of capabilities of kltool. We then describe specific applications of kltool using examples in Chapter 6.
5.1. Implementation
Pragmatic considerations determined how kltool is implemented. We wanted hardware which could render high-quality graphics and perform reasonably fast computations. Also, since we wanted to make the tool available to others, selecting a widely available platform was important. The Silicon Graphics Personal Iris was selected for the initial implementation primarily because of its high-quality 3D graphics.
On the software side, the tool is implemented in the C programming language. All graphics are performed using the Graphics Library, a set of graphics routines available on Silicon Graphics workstations. The numerical decomposition routines are obtained from public domain software libraries.
5.2. Functionality
The functionality of kltool generally adheres to the current trend of workstation applications: interacting with the user via popup menus and dialog boxes and displaying results in multiple windows on the screen. These nontrivial issues are discussed in [Shneiderman '80].
A schematic overview of kltool's functionality is depicted in Figure 5.1. We briefly describe the function of each operation:
These functions are implemented in the software in a modular style. This allows for errors to be easily traced and for new functionality to be easily incorporated. For a more thorough description of the tool's operation, see [Armbruster & Heiland '92].
We present four different examples of spatiotemporal data and their resulting analyses using kltool. In the first example, data from a numerical simulation of a partial differential equation (PDE) is analyzed. In the second example, we examine data from a fluid flow experiment. The third example provides a recent analysis of dynamics from a PDE simulation of fluid flow. In the last example, we analyze video data from an experiment involving flame dynamics.
It is regrettable that the true dynamics found in these examples cannot be better presented on paper. A more natural medium would be video. Nevertheless, we provide a depiction of the dynamics via landscape plots (for 1D spatial vectors) and a set of frames (for 2D vectors). We note, however, that the landscape plots represent only an appropriately sampled subset of the entire dataset. This is done to make the plots more legible.
6.1. Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation
As an early test case for kltool, we chose a PDE which had
previously been studied using K-L analysis [Kirby & Armbruster '91].
The PDE is known as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (K-S) equation:
This equation is used as a model for flame fronts and thin viscous
fluid films, among other phenomena.
Much of its spatiotemporal dynamics are known,
through an exhaustive numerical study, and described in
[Hyman, Nicolaenko & Zaleski '86].
As the bifurcation parameter, ,
increases, the dynamics exhibit
a variety of interesting behavior, including: fixed points, traveling waves,
beating waves, homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits, and chaos.
For the purpose of our analysis, we chose two values for which produce distinctive dynamics.
6.1.1. Homoclinic Cycle
the K-S equation is known to have a homoclinic cycle.
In fact, these dynamics have been explained in an analytic framework
[Armbruster, Guckenheimer & Holmes '89]
and [Kevrekidis, Nicolaenko & Scovel '90].
To verify that kltool could
correctly analyze this situation, we numerically computed a time series of
1D spatial
solution vectors as input. The solutions were discretized at a resolution
of 256 discrete points over the
domain. We computed 400 snapshots
in time. This dataset is depicted in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 and is characterized
by two bursts.
The K-L analysis results are shown in Figures 6.3 and 6.4. Figure 6.3
shows a screen image from kltool. In the upper-left window, the
dataset is plotted in landscape mode. The view is from the front, meaning
that the spatial coordinate is horizontal and the temporal snapshots are
going ``into'' the screen. The vertical direction measures the amplitude
of the solutions, u(x,t). In the upper-right, the dataset is displayed
as a color-coded surface from the side view, meaning the horizontal axis
is now t. This view highlights the bursting behavior of the data.
In the lower-left window, a bar-chart indicates the energy percentages
of the first
three eigenfunctions. Recall that kltool, by default, will compute
enough eigenfunctions for at least 95% of the total energy. We see that
the first eigenfunction (K-L mode), ,
has most (
80%) of
the total energy. In the lower-right window,
is plotted (scaled
independently of the dataset windows).
Referring back to Figure 6.1, we see that
represents the state of
the system before the first burst and after the second burst. There is a
different state between bursts. Therefore, in phase space concepts, we have
a heteroclinic orbit: we leave one unstable fixed point, go to another, and
return to the original. It so happens, however, that
also represents
the steady state (fixed point) found between bursts. It is simply a
Figure 6.4 shows the first three eigenfunctions:
(each mapped into the amplitude range [-1,1]).
We perform a reconstruction of the dataset using only
Figure 6.5 shows the original data (upper-left), the reconstruction (upper-right), and the absolute error (lower-left). All three plots are drawn to the same scale. Notice that the error is most significant during the bursts, that is, during the excursion between steady states.
In Figure 6.6, we show a reconstruction of the data using
Notice that the error is now much smaller than before. This
indicates that
is involved in the bursts, as one might have suspected.
Figure 6.7 shows the coefficients of
a time series.
confirms the analysis results:
represents the unstable fixed points
(differing by a phase shift);
are dormant near the
fixed points, but get activated during the bursts.
We use this dataset as an example on which to perform a Galërkin projection. First, we express the solution of the PDE as a linear combination of time-dependent coefficients and spatial eigenfunctions, resulting in a K-L Galërkin expansion:
![]() |
(6.1) |
where K is the number of eigenfunctions chosen for the reconstruction.
The K-S PDE is then rewritten as:
![]() |
(6.2) |
![]() |
(6.3) |
Now we describe how the K-L Galërkin projection is performed within
We write each
as a Fourier expansion:
Multiplying (6.3) by
and integrating
from 0 to
we obtain a Galërkin projection, a system
of ODEs, for the PDE.
Appendix A shows the resulting system generated by kltool, using the
first three K-L modes. This ODE system is then numerically integrated
2 and the
time series solutions are plotted in Figure 6.8.
Comparing these solutions with the time series of Figure 6.7, we see
the qualitative approximation that this synthesis offers.
A primary reason for the ``smoothing out'' of the spikes in the time series
plots is because
lacks a symmetric counterpart.
By symmetrizing the eigenfunctions, we should obtain better results.
It should be noted that cubic damping terms
were added to the ODE system to prevent blow-up solutions, as suggested in
[Kirby & Armbruster '91].
6.1.2. Strange Mode
We now analyze a dataset from the K-S PDE for
We take 200 solution snapshots in time.
The dataset is depicted in Figure 6.9.
We know from
[Hyman, Nicolaenko & Zaleski '86] and [Kirby & Armbruster '92]
what an analysis should produce.
the PDE has a stable fixed point. The fixed point is
shaped as a two-humped curve, one hump larger than the other, and is
called a ``strange'' fixed point.
this fixed point becomes unstable and undergoes a
Hopf bifurcation. This results in an oscillation riding on top of the
larger hump as we see in Figure 6.9.
Figure 6.10 shows kltool's analysis of the given dataset. In the
upper-left window, a color-coded surface of the data is viewed from the
top. This produces a color-contour plot with a horizontal x-coordinate
and vertical t-coordinate. The mean of the data, having the shape of
the fixed point at
is plotted in the upper-right window.
The energy percentages are plotted in the lower-left, showing
that the first three
eigenfunctions contain 98% of the total energy. In the lower-right
window, the first eigenfunction,
is plotted. This clearly
reveals the oscillation localized around the larger hump.
We note that the eigenfunctions as computed would indicate the dynamics of the data after the mean is subtracted. However, it is also possible to let kltool perform a K-L analysis without subtracting the mean. It seems to be an open research problem to determine whether the first eigenfunction for such a situation is in fact the mean. For this dataset at least, the first eigenfunction is essentially the mean of the data and it contains 99.4% of the total energy. The first three eigenfunctions are plotted in Figure 6.11.
By projecting the data onto these eigenfunctions, we obtain
the time series coefficients
as shown in Figure 6.12.
The time series for the coefficients of
is nearly constant and those
of the remaining eigenfunctions are oscillatory.
This suggests that the dynamics consist of a limit cycle encircling an
unstable, yet dominant, fixed point.
The limit cycle is essentially spanned by three K-L modes.
Some recent research suggests that
may in fact be a
travelling structure [Stone '92].
This would be believable judging from the upward slope of
coefficients in Figure 6.12.
6.2. Couette-Taylor Flow
The Couette-Taylor experiment is widely known among fluid dynamicists. The apparatus consists of a cylindrical tank with a smaller, inner cylindrical tank. A fluid is contained between their two walls and the inner cylinder rotates - inducing a flow of the fluid. This flow has qualitatively different states, or flow patterns, depending on the rotation speed of the inner cylinder [DiPrima & Swinney '81]. Allowing both cylinders to rotate, either in the same or opposite direction, causes different flow patterns to form. Couette, a French scientist, was the first to experiment with this in the 1880's. In the 1920's, Taylor, a British mathematician, found some of the more interesting patterns. An enlightening, non-mathematical discussion of this experiment is found in [Stewart & Golubitsky '92].
For the purpose of our analysis, we were provided with data obtained in the following manner. The apparatus was photographed with a specially modified camera containing a charge-coupled device (CCD) array. A one-dimensional spatial vector of light intensity values in the azimuthal direction was recorded at regular time intervals, providing an indication of the system's flow pattern. An illustration of the experiment is shown in Figure 6.13.
The dataset consisted of 291 snapshot vectors, each with 891 components whose values were proportional to the light intensity. The dataset is depicted in Figure 6.14. One can see from this plot that near both ends of the spatial vectors, the amplitudes are constant in time. These values correspond to a boundary layer at the top and bottom of the Couette apparatus and are not relevant to the fluid behavior in the middle portion of the cylinder. Therefore, we make use of kltool's interactive data selection feature to remove the data near the boundaries. The resulting clipped vectors are then analyzed.
First, we show analysis results using only the first 50 snapshots of the
dataset. Figure 6.15 shows the 31-st snapshot in the data window
(upper-left), the mean of the dataset (upper-right), the
percentages (lower-left), indicating 12 are necessary for 95%,
(lower-right). After scanning through the snapshots3, we
observe that the data is quite ``noisy''. This contributes to an analysis
which suggests the dynamics are not as low-dimensional as one might hope.
The ratio of 12 eigenfunctions to 50 snapshots indicates high-dimensional
phase space dynamics.
In spite of these discouraging results, we still perform a reconstruction of the data using the first K eigenfunctions. Figure 6.16 shows a color-contour plot of the original dataset (upper-left), a reconstruction using the first two eigenfunctions (K=2) (upper-right), and the absolute error (lower-right). Figure 6.17 shows a reconstruction with K=6 and Figure 6.18 shows a reconstruction with K=12. Notice that the successive error plots contain less coherent structure, indicating a better approximation with more eigenfunctions.
Next, we perform an analysis of the entire dataset, consisting of
291 snapshots.
The results indicate that 46 eigenfunctions are necessary to capture
95% of the total energy. Figure 6.19 shows the original dataset (upper) and
a reconstruction using only the first 10 eigenfunctions (lower).
Figure 6.20 shows a reconstruction using the first 25.
Depending on the desired goal, one might conclude that a resonable
approximation can be obtained with fewer
than necessary for 95% of the energy.
Certainly, fewer eigenfunctions are necessary to
capture only the dominant (red) structures.
6.3. Kolmogorov Flow
This example, like the last, examines the topic of fluid flow. Here, we do so via a PDE numerical simulation.
The notion of turbulence in fluid flow is still not understood. There are, however, certain scenarios which seem to serve as forerunners to turbulence [Eckmann '81]. One such scenario involves intermittent bursting of certain measured quantitites. We analyze data of this type here. For a mathematical introduction to fluid flow, see [Chorin & Marsden '90]. A non-mathematical introduction to turbulence can be found in [Ruelle '91].
The PDE we consider is a version of the Navier-Stokes equation.
The 2D Kolmogorov flow is the solution of the 2D incompressible
Navier-Stokes equation subject to a force in the x-direction proportional
to :
It was introduced by Kolmogorov in the late 1950's as an example on
which to study
transition to turbulence. For large enough viscosity
the only stable
flow is the plane parallel periodic shear flow
usually called the ``basic Kolmogorov flow''.
The macroscopic Reynolds number of the basic flow is found
to be
This Reynolds number, Re, is used as a bifurcation parameter.
In a -periodic square domain, the equations are:
Analytic results about the asymptotic solutions of this equation,
as well as some bifurcation results, can be found in [She '87].
More recently,
interesting transitions that occur at higher Reynolds number
have been studied in [She & Nicolaenko '90] and [Nicolaenko & She '91].
They lead to sparsely distributed bursts in time for a fairly large range of
Reynolds number from a threshold of
(for kf=8)4.
The most striking feature of this transition is that the bursts generate
substantial spatial disorder and drive developed turbulence.
Typically, near threshold, the dynamics follow long laminar regimes,
interspersed with chaotic bursts. Intervals
between bursts are not constant and fluctuate randomly.
We analyze this near-threshold dynamics here. Figure 6.21 illustrates
this behavior. These plots are time series of the maximum magnitude of the
convective term. Not plotted between the bursts are lengthy laminar regimes.
One might theorize that these bursts can be explained by homoclinic or
heteroclinic orbits in phase space, as was the case for the
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky PDE in Section 6.1.1.
Our goal is to compare laminar and burst data through a K-L analysis,
looking for common spatial structures and trying to understand what is
responsible for the bursting dynamics.
This example demonstrates how kltool can operate on various output data generated by the same PDE simulation. While the PDE numerical code integrates a stream function, turbulence theory prefers to deal with vorticity. We therefore analyze both stream and vorticity data, as well as the the Fourier amplitudes generated by the simulation. It should be noted that although vorticity is vector-valued, and kltool does not analyze vectors of vector-valued data, the x and y components of the vorticity are zero for 2D flow. Hence, the vorticity vector is strictly in the z-direction, and it is this component which is analyzed.
We mention a preprocessing step that was necessary before K-L analysis could proceed. For the Reynolds value of this example, the physical solution data is traveling in the x-direction. Theoretical analysis shows that the K-L eigenfunctions for a traveling wave become sinusoids. However, we are not interested in the analysis of the traveling wave, but want to treat it as one coherent structure, and study the remaining dynamics in the data. Hence, we process our data first, calculate the wave speed and go into a co-moving coordinate frame. We subtract the mean and perform our K-L analysis on the remaining data, both for the laminar and the bursting regime.
The simulation data come from
pseudo spectral algorithm.
6.3.1. Stream Function Analysis
A K-L analysis on the laminar regime using the stream function data led to two eigenfunctions required for 95% of the total energy. These eigenfunctions are plotted in Figure 6.22.
A reconstruction
of the data using just those two modes together with the mean gives an
almost perfect agreement between data and reconstruction. Using K-L on
the Fourier amplitudes, we capture almost the same amount of energy in the
first few eigenfunctions. Figure 6.23 shows the time series of coefficients
indicating that they span a limit cycle.
Analyzing the burst for the stream function data shows some surprising
results. Here, three K-L modes are required to capture at least 95%
of the energy. These are plotted in Figures 6.24 and 6.25.
In addition, we show
in Figure 6.25 to illustrate how an
eigenfunction, although containing very little energy, can contribute
to localized spatial dynamics - at a vortex in this case.
The first mode, ,
in the laminar regime is roughly the same as
in the bursting regime. However, both
in the bursting
regime seem to be related to
in the laminar regime.
It appears that they are real and imaginary parts of the same
complex eigenfunction. This suggests that if a limit cycle lies in
a real subspace,
then its unstable manifold is in the imaginary subspace. This was corroborated
by examining
in their Fourier representation.
6.3.2. Vorticity Analysis
Figure 6.26 shows the results of analyzing the vorticity data in the laminar
regime. Shown are: a snapshot vorticity vector (upper-left), the mean
of the data (upper-right), the
energy percentages (lower-left),
(lower-right). The analysis indicates that five eigenfunctions are necessary
to capture 95% of the energy.
In Figure 6.27, we show a different snapshot vorticity vector (upper-left)
which highlights the eyes (vortices) in the eddies, and the
(lower-right). Notice that
contains the diagonal eddy structure,
contains more of the vortices structure.
In Figure 6.29, we show
(lower-left), and
(lower-right). Note that
is an especially localized vortex structure.
We have not shown any reconstructions of the data using the eigenfunctions. This becomes difficult to do on paper when dealing with a sequence of 2D images. However, kltool lets a user synchronize the data vectors with the reconstructed vectors when scanning them. This technique, as well as scanning the error vectors, allows for a visual check of the reconstruction's accuracy to the data.
We concluded that the laminar regime is clearly a modulated traveling wave.
Its wave speed
can be calculated by observing the change in phase of a Fourier mode.
In a coordinate frame moving with the traveling part, the oscillation
is described by a limit cycle which is spanned by the first two
eigenfunctions of the K-L decomposition for the stream function data.
We independently confirmed this by extracting a scalar ``averaged''
quantity from
the field (summing up a norm over a
grid in physical space).
On the time series for that scalar quantity we performed a time-delay
embedding and calculated the fractal dimension dF
[Kostelich & Swinney '89].
For both stream function
and vorticity data we found dF = 1.0.
There exists a low-dimensional large scale dynamics that drives the burst. We found that the unstable manifold of the laminar regime is very flat, concentrating the burst mainly along one dimension. This is again supported by plots of a time-delay embedding.
Figure 6.30 shows such a 2D time-delay plot. One sees the remnants of
the basic limit cycle with faster oscillations superimposed. Computations
of fractal dimensions suffer from too small a data set and are not very
accurate. Initial calculations give
dF = 1.24 and
dF = 1.65for stream function and vorticity data, respectively.
Both numbers are consistent
with a K-L embedding dimension between 3 and 5 .
The biggest mystery of this analysis is the large discrepancy between
the number of relevant eigenfunctions for stream function and vorticity
data. From a
dynamical systems point of view, if this system has a finite dimensional
then there exists only one dimension and all numbers for vorticity and
stream function should agree with each other. However, the Laplacian obviously
acts as a nonlinear weight function giving largest weight to the smallest scales
of the PDE simulation. Therefore the general noise level of the vorticity data
is increased up to a margin of about 5 % of the K-L energy. In order to check
the dependence of the K-L results on the resolution of the PDE simulation,
we enlarged our data set and used all Fourier modes available from
pseudo spectral grid. The result is that we needed even
more K-L eigenfunctions (25 versus 20) to capture 95% of the
energy in the
vorticity burst data. At the same time, visual inspection of the reconstruction
was satisfactory with fewer K-L modes (10 modes versus 16). These
results suggest that there are two types of dynamics going on during the
burst phase: a large scale, low dimensional one which can be described
by a structurally stable homoclinic orbit and which has very definite symmetry
properties. This dynamics is best captured by looking at the
behavior of the stream function. Riding on top of that dynamics is a small
scale dynamics characterized by an enstrophy cascade:
enstrophy is accumulating
in the modes which are barely resolved and have the smallest scales. Better
spatial resolution leads to an accumulation of enstrophy in the new, yet smaller
For more details regarding the K-L analysis of the Kolmogorov flow, including a more in-depth discussion of how symmetries of the equation play an important role, see [Armbruster, Heiland, Kostelich & Nicolaenko '92]
6.4. Flame Dynamics
As a final example, we present an analysis of data from an experiment on the dynamics of two-dimensional flames [Gorman, el-Hamdi & Robbins '92]. A schematic of the experiment is shown in Figure 6.31.
The apparatus consists of a flat, circular, porous plug burner
which burns various premixed gases. A video camera
records the resulting flame dynamics.
Depending on the types of gases and
their flow rate through the burner,
one can observe fascinating spatiotemporal patterns of the flames.
For example, one such pattern involves a stable rotating ring of flame
cells about a
central core of cells. The flames can become unstable due to a competition
between thermal diffusivity and mass diffusivity resulting in some outer
cells exchanging positions with some inner cells.
For input to kltool, we chose a simpler regime of flame dynamics to analyze. The flame in this regime was a single closed spatial structure which changed its shape in time. The first few video frames of the dynamics are shown in Figure 6.32.
We briefly describe the preprocessing
steps involved in the analysis. First, the video images were digitized.
Next, we subtracted the artifical reflective ring surrounding the flame.
Upon analyzing these 2D images, the results were difficult to interpret.
The eigenfunctions had to be mapped back into grayscale values for display
and this resulted in confusing images.
Realizing that what we actually wanted to analyze was the dynamics of just the
boundary of the flame,
we replaced the solid flame image with its boundary curve.
This not only gave more meaningful results than working with the entire
flame image, but also significantly decreased the
computation time.
The boundary curves are 1D spatial vectors:
plotted in polar coordinates.
They are shown superimposed on the flame images in Figure 6.32.
Finding a flame boundary was straightforward for this particular regime.
A parametrized
radial sweep of a flame image yielded a unique intersection point with
the flame edge (detected by a gradient change in light intensity).
The resulting analysis by kltool is shown in Figures 6.33 and 6.34.
Figure 6.33 shows a sample snapshot in the data window (upper-left), the
mean (upper-right), the
energy percentages (lower-left), and
(lower-right). The analysis indicates that only two K-L modes are
responsible for most of the dynamics. Notice that
primary coherent structure, is quadrapole-shaped.
Figure 6.34 shows a different snapshot (upper-left) and a dipole-shaped
In Figure 6.35, we plot the time series of coefficients for
Their oscillatory behavior clearly indicates that we have a
limit cycle which is spanned by these first two K-L modes.
There are at least two parallel directions for the future of kltool. In one direction, we forsee added functionality. For example, since the tool currently allows for the visualization of only one- and two-dimensional spatial vectors, an obvious extension would be the visualization of trivariate data. This seemingly insignificant increase by one dimension has a significant impact on the computational cost, as well as the visualization challenge. One could alleviate these problems by running the tool on a dual-platform. The lengthy computations could be performed on a more powerful processor, then the results displayed on the graphical workstation. Regarding the computational issue, we note that a parallel processor would be very efficient for computing the covariance matrix. Another extension in functionality would be to analyze vectors of vector values instead of vectors of scalar values. Additional functionality might be to compute eigenfunctions which have different optimality criteria. Such an approach is discussed in [Kirby '92]. An addition to the Galërkin projection would be to allow for numerical integration of the ODEs and display the resulting trajectories.
The second direction for the future of kltool is to broaden its accessibility. The primary limitation at this time is its dependence on the Silicon Graphics workstation and the Graphics Library. One could rewrite the graphics-dependent software for other computers, taking advantage of available hardware, and thereby offer a larger set of platforms on which the tool could run. However, a more likely option would be to write the graphics-dependent software in a standard graphics application language. Although the Graphics Library itself has been ported to other computers, the apparent standard package for graphics applications is the X library [Nye '88]. Unfortunately, at the present time, the 3D graphics in the X library does not seem to be well established.
An interactive graphical software package, kltool, has been
presented for the analysis of spatiotemporal data.
The tool uses the Karhunen-Loève (K-L) decomposition to compute
empirical eigenfunctions which optimally span a given dataset.
These eigenfunctions, ,
can indicate coherent spatial structures
within the data. By projecting the data onto the
it is
possible to gain a better understanding of their temporal dynamics
within a dynamical systems framework.
Through this analysis, one can
gain insight into the asymptotic behavior of
a given system and can get an estimate on the dimension of
an underlying attractor.
We have demonstrated kltool's effectiveness on four different example datasets: two from PDE simulations and two from laboratory experiments. For particular regimes of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (K-S) and Kolmogorov PDEs, we showed how certain eigenfunctions (K-L modes) correspond to fixed points and how others span limit cycles. We also showed how certain K-L modes are responsible for bursting behavior. A Galërkin projection was automatically generated for the K-S PDE using three eigenfunctions. The analysis of the Couette-Taylor experimental data indicated rather complex dynamics. It would be interesting to have more data of this type for further analysis. The gas flame dynamics seemed to be evolving on a limit cycle spanned by two K-L modes.
We do not wish to leave the impression that this tool will always provide
a simple analysis of any spatiotemporal dataset.
However, if used wisely, we feel that it can benefit many researchers
investigating nonlinear systems.
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This appendix accompanies the analysis in Section 6.1.1. The input file specifying the K-S PDE, which will be parsed by kltool, is the following:
u(t,x) # This file provides the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky PDE # in the desired syntax for parsing by kltool. # The first line of the file specifies the dependent function # and independent variables. # # d(u,t) = -4*d(u,x,4) - alpha * ( d(u,x,2) + 0.5*d(u,x)^2 )
The following is the resulting Galërkin projection, a system of ODEs, obtained from the first three K-L modes:
a1 * 4.77502174e-01 = - 4 *
( a1 * 7.64229734e+00 + a2 * -1.30090583e-01 + a3 * 8.35663964e-02 )
- alpha * (
( a1 * -1.90954685e+00 + a2 * 2.70510994e-02 + a3 * -1.68602983e-02 )
+ 0.5 *
( a1*a1 * 1.46427749e-02 + a1*a2 * -3.82984342e-03 + a1*a3 * -4.23164926e-02
+ a2*a1 * -3.82984342e-03 + a2*a2 * -2.42889080e-04 + a2*a3 * -2.24138759e-01
+ a3*a1 * -4.23164926e-02 + a3*a2 * -2.24138759e-01 + a3*a3 * 9.23985816e-03 ))
a2 * 5.21931895e-01 = - 4 *
( a1 * -1.30090583e-01 + a2 * 5.43366793e-01 + a3 * 3.00340148e-04 )
- alpha * (
( a1 * 2.70510994e-02 + a2 * -5.24061964e-01 + a3 * 1.73820964e-04 )
+ 0.5 *
( a1*a1 * -9.71341170e-03 + a1*a2 * 1.04331524e-02 + a1*a3 * 5.34356186e-01
+ a2*a1 * 1.04331524e-02 + a2*a2 * -2.16584341e-04 + a2*a3 * -8.41680678e-03
+ a3*a1 * 5.34356186e-01 + a3*a2 * -8.41680678e-03 + a3*a3 * 1.24558107e-02 ))
a3 * 5.26295447e-01 = - 4 *
( a1 * 8.35663964e-02 + a2 * 3.00340148e-04 + a3 * 6.41147474e-01 )
- alpha * (
( a1 * -1.68602983e-02 + a2 * 1.73820964e-04 + a3 * -5.33260817e-01 )
+ 0.5 *
( a1*a1 * 3.11884903e-02 + a1*a2 * 5.28333621e-01 + a1*a3 * -9.22197842e-03
+ a2*a1 * 5.28333621e-01 + a2*a2 * -3.38895660e-02 + a2*a3 * 3.73078284e-03
+ a3*a1 * -9.22197842e-03 + a3*a2 * 3.73078284e-03 + a3*a3 * -1.90138218e-02 ))
These equations represent
The user would need to divide
each equation by the constant on the left-hand side before inserting the
system into a numerical ODE solver.